Hyoung Won Baac (박형원)
성균관대 전자전기공학부 및 반도체융합공학과 부교수
Associate Professor / PhD
School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering &
Department of Semiconductor Convergence Engineering
College of Information and Communication Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University
Republic of Korea
Email. hwbaac@g.skku.edu
2006 - 2012 University of Michigan Ann Arbor, EECS 박사
1999 - 2001 서울대 전기공학부 석사
1994 - 1999 성균관대 전자공학과 학사
2023 - 성균관대 반도체융합공학과 부교수 및 학과장
2023 - 성균관대 정보통신대 부학장 및 IT융합연구원 원장
2020 - 성균관대 전자전기공학부 부교수
2015 - 2017 성균관대 글로벌바이오메디컬공학과 겸임교수
2014 - 2020 성균관대 전자전기공학부 조교수
2012 - 2014 Harvard Medical School &
Massachusetts General Hospital 박사후연구원
Wellman Center for Photomedicine &
Department of Dermatology
2012 University of Michigan Ann Arbor, EECS 박사후연구원
Center for Nanoscale Photonics and Spintronics
2004 - 2005 Cornell University 방문 연구원
Department of Biomedical Engineering
2001 - 2006 서울대 초미세생체전자시스템 연구센터 연구원
His primary background is photonics, acoustics/ultrasonics, and applied physics. He is a member of Optical Society of America, IEEE, Optical Society of Korea, Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, and Korean Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound.
Lectures in SKKU
Logic Circuit (ICE2001)
Fundamentals of Optics (EEE3006)
Fiber Optic Communications (EEE3005)
Optical Phenomena and Applications (ECE5922; graduate)
Biomedical Electrical Engineering (ECE4265; graduate)